Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Who Left the Bilva Leaves Here? Kanchi Maha SwamigaL

Who Left the Bilva Leaves Here?
(An incident that made Maha SwamigaL melt)
Author: Sri Ramani Anna (in Tamil)
Source: Sakthi Vikatan issue dated Feb 17, 2007
Publisher: Viketan Publications

Once Kanchi Maha SwamigaL undertook his divya darshana yAtra with his entourage to Sri Saila kSetra which is known as the 'Dakshina Kailash'.

When they reached Kurnool, AcharyaaL was given a grand reception at the borders of the city. SwamigaL was accommodated in a bhajan maNDapa where he gave a discourse on Sanatana Dharma in Telugu to the large gathering of devotees. At the end of the lecture, he gave the devotees his blessings and prasAda and continued on his yAtra.

As they were at a small distance away from Kurnool, it started drizzling and increased to heavy rains in no time. The devotees of SriMaTham and the palanquin bearers (called bhogis) prayed to SwamigaL to sit inside his mena and not get wet. AcharyaaL did not accede. He said, "When all of you are walking drenched, only I should come in the palanquin? No, I too shall walk the same way like you!" and started walking fast. A Shiva temple became visible at a calling distance. SwamigaL visited the temple with his entourage, where he was given a warm welcome with the honour of pUrna kumbham. After everyone towelled and changed into new clothes, they had dharshan of the Lord of the temple. When the darshan was over, the rain had also stopped, and they resumed their journey.

After they passed a distance of seven or eight miles, a fertile Zamin village was sighted. All the people in the village with their family and children came to the boundary of the village and welcomed Maha SwamigaL with pUrna kumbham. Thereafter, the Zamindar of the village prayed to SwamigaL with humility: "Our village should become holy, sanctified by the holy feet of SwamigaL. You should stay here for a few days. There is a large choultry here with facilities for your stay and puja punaskArya. A clean puSkaraNi is also nearby."

The entire village prostrated to SwamigaL and prayed. AcharyaaL was moved by their AtmArta bhakti. He gave them his anugraha and announced to their immense happiness that he would stay with them for twenty-one days.

The village wore a festive look on the next morning. Arrangements for the Chandramouleesvara puja were done, AcharyaaL having left for his bath in the nearby pond. The aged SriMaTham kAryastA asked the youth who were doing the arrangements with anxiety: "ENdAppa! You people have arranged for a large samRuti of flowers, but then there are no bilva patra (bhilva leaves) among them! How can Periyavaa do the sahasra nAmArcanA without them?"

The youths stood, wringing their hands. The kAryastA did not leave them at that. "ENdAppa, if you stand mute like this, will the bilva leaves arrive of their own accord? Go and tell the village people about the requirement of three-leaved bilva clusters for Periyavaa's Chandramouleesvara puja and ask them to bring large numbers of them in bamboo baskets. Get someone who understands Telegu and talk to them. If that does not convey it properly... show them the nirmAlya leaves we have--the remains of the earlier pujas done by Periyavaa, and ask them to bring the leaf clusters!"

The youth came out with a person who spoke Telegu, bringing with them the nirmAlya bilva leaves. They showed them to the people in the village and requested them to bring the leaves within the next half hour. The people told them that they had never seen a tree that has clusters of three leaves on a single stalk. The village vedic pundits also confirmed that there were no bilva trees in their village. 

SwamigaL arrived, finishing his bath. The puja articles were ready in the centre of the hall. The first question Maha Periyavaa asked on having a glance at them was, "ENdAppa! Have you arranged for the bilvam for arcana?"

The MaTham kAryastA hesitated. AcharyaaL asked, "Why, what's the matter? Aren't bilva patrAs available in this place?" The kAryastA said in a soft voice, "Yes, Periyavaa! The village people and the vedic pundits here say that there are no bilva trees in this place."

SwamigaL smiled to himself. It was 10:30 hours in the morning. SwamigaL walked hurriedly towards the backyard of the choultry. He entered the cattle shed of the cows. He climbed and sat on a rock of black stone found there, and lapsed into meditation. The SriMaTham notables were worried that the bhikSA vandanam for Chandramouleesvara and Periyavaa might stop for want of bilva leaves. Tears started welling up in the eyes of the kAryastA. The news reached the Zamindar who sent people to search for the bilva trees in their place, but was disappointed. The time was 11:30 hours. People had gathered around the cattle shed, waiting silently with anxiety. The sight of Maha SwamigaL in meditation on the rock reminded them of sAkSAt Sri Parameshwara sitting in the Kailash mountain. Suddenly they saw a SriMatham devotee coming from the entrance, carrying on his head a large basket. His face was full of happiness. He heaved the basket down in the hall--and what wonder, the basket was full of bilva leaves! Everyone was happy at the sight and SwamigaL whose meditation was disturbed descended from the rock.

His first question to the kAryastA was: "The bilvam for the Chandramouleesvara puja has arrived now (right)? besh, let us get inside."

SwamigaL took a few laves in his hand from the basket. They sparkled with the lushness of green. AcharyaaL asked his kAryastA, "Who plucked these leaves with such care that not a single cluster of them is defective? People said that there were no bilva trees in this region. Did you ask where these leaves were plucked?"

The kAryastA looked at the man who brought the bilva basket. That youth said, "Periyavaa, I casually went to the entrance and noticed that this basket was kept on the eastern side under the pandakkAl. When I rushed and checked, it was full of bilva leaves, Periyavaa."

"That is alright, but did you ask who brought it and placed there?"

"I asked Periyavaa, but nobody among those assembled there had any idea."

"Then who could have placed it there?" asked AcharyaaL laughingly. No one had anything to reply. As he moved towards the puja spot, AcharyaaL smilingly turned and said, "Perhaps our Chandramouleesvara Himself has brought the leaves?" 

SwamigaL started the puja. His arcana to Sri Chandramouleesvara with the lush green bilva leaves made everyone rapturous. The prasAda was distributed after the puja. In the evening, AcharyaaL held an upanyAsa on Srimad RamayaNam in Telugu. The entire village litened to it with happiness. On the morning of the next day, a bhajan troupe of that village sang and danced with ecstasy at the entrance of the choultry. The entire village wore the look of an occasion of wedding. AcharyaaL went to the pond with some of the people of the MaTham.

The kAryastA who was busy with some work at the backyard asked the youth who brought the bilva leaves the previous day, "ENdAppa, lots of bilva are required for today also. You seem to be a lucky man. Check if anyone has left a basket under the pandal staff today also."

The youth ran to the entrance. What a wonder! Like the previous day, there was a basketful of bilva leaves kept in the usual spot! The youth carried the basket happily and reported to the SriKAryam (manager), "I found this basket at the same spot today also; don't know who kept it there and when was it placed."

SriKAryam was surprised and confused as to who was bringing the bilva leaves with such secrecy. AcharyaaL returned. When he noticed the bilva leaves kept ready for puja in the hall, he turned his face meaningfully at SriKAryam. He prostrated to AcharyaaL and said, "Yes, Periyavaa. Another bilva basket at the same place today also. Nobody knows who kept it there."

SwamigaL completed the Chandramouleesvara puja. When he finished his bhikSA and was sitting in solitude, he called SriKAryam and told him, "You should get up early and do one thing. Take someone with you, and check without no one seeing you. Find out who is leaving the bilva basket. And bring that person to me. You need not ask that person anything. You understand?" AcharyaaL smiled. SriKAryam gave an affirmative nod, prostrated to the sage and moved away.

On that evening also, SwamigaL's Srimad RamayaNa upanyAsa was held. As before, the entire village listened to it happily. It was early morning the next day. The bhajan troupes of the village had gathered and were singing merrily at the entrance to the choltry. SriKaryam and his two assistants stood hiding behind the large banyan tree at the entrance and were keenly looking at the pandal. At 8:30 hours, a boy emerged from the mango groves on the eastern side. He had a large, dry basket on his head. He sported a tuft of hair and wore a dirty dhoti tucked under this thighs as mUla kaccha. He looked here and there, went near the pandal staff, heaved his basked down and started turning back. SriKAryam ran and stood before him. The boy's hands and legs started shivering as he looked at the man before him. He immediately prostrated to the man who asked him, "Is it you who kept this bilva basket here for the last two days?"

The boy nodded yes to this question.

SriKAryam told the boy, "Alright. Go and have a bath, tie your tuft properly, wear what you usually wear on your forehead and come here in the afternoon. I shall take to the Periya Sami. You can get his blessing. You come looking bright, without this dirty dhoty, understand?" The boy nodded yes and ran away.

SriKAryam narrated the even to SwamigaL, who said, "Besh, besh! For the last two three days, he has been doing a large service. Shall bless him and give prasAdam", and left for his bath.

It was 3:00 hours in the afternoon. As ordered, the boy came. SriKAryam pointed him who was standing hesitatingly in the corner of the courtyard wall, to SwamigaL and said something. SwamigaL called the boy near him. The boy came near him, prostrated and stood with folded hands. AchayaaL had a laugh, looking at the boy's appearance, who looked bright with vibUti streaks on his forehead and all over the body, wearing a white dhoti as mUla kaacha, and a tuft of neatly tied hair. SwamigaL asked him to sit down in the courtyard, but he did not sit.

"What name?" SwamigaL asked him in Telugu.

"Purandara Kesavalu", he replied clearly in Tamil. AcharyarvaaL was surprised as he said, "Besh, you talk Tamil well! What was the name you said?"

"Purandara Kesavalu(nga)." The boy spoke his name slowly and clearly.

AcharyaaL raised his brows as he asked him, "You talk in Tamil!"

"My story, you should listen to it, Saami..." His eyes were stringed with tears.

"Besha. Tell me, tell me..." SwamigaL urged him. Purandara Kesavalu started talking.

"My native place is Usilampatti(nga), near Madura(i). Within two years of my birth, my mother passed away in an illness. From that time, only my father raised me. When I was six years old, he came to this region with me to earn a living. He got the job of tending the cattle in the Zamin of this village. I did not read or go to school. But I have learned a lot from my father. My father was very fond of music. He would sing the songs of Purandaradasaru and Tiruvaiyaru Thiyagarasa Saami very well. He has also taught me to sing and I too can sing those songs. Because of his liking for music he named me Purandara Kesavalu. He is no more now. Two years since he reached his mOccham (liberation). I am tending the Zamin cattle now. They feed me in the Zamin and pay me. I am now twelve years old, Saami."

SwamigaL was moved at his words and asked him with surprise. "Alright. Since there is no bilva tree in the surroundings here, where did you get this much of bilva?"

Purandara Kesavalu replied humbly. "There is a large growth of grass and shrubs on the foothills at three miles from here, Saami. From the days of my father, we used to go there and let the cattle browse. There are three large bilva trees there! My father would bring me the leaves of those trees and tell me, 'Elay Purandara, this leaf is called bilvam. It is ambuttu (such a) visheSham-daa, to perform puja to Sivaperuman with this leaf! Have a look.' That was in my mind Saami. When I saw the people of this MaTham show a sample of this leaf on the day before yesterday and ask for a lots of them, I understood immediately, ran to the place and brought them in a basket. Since I feared that if you came to know that the leaves were brought by a cowherd boy, you might not accept them for puja, I kept the basket here without anyone knowing it. This is the satyam Saami!"

Moved further at the words, AcharyaaL kept silent for sometime. Then he said with affection, "Purandara Kesavalu, what do you want? Tell me what is your wish. I shall ask it to be fulfilled from the MaTham."

At the sage's words, Purandara Kesavalu exclaimed, "Siva, Siva!", patted is cheeks and said, "Saami, my father used to tell me, 'Purandara, we should not desire for anything in this world. But we should wish for only one thing.' I have two wishes now. If you permit me, I shall speak one of my wishes now. The other one I shall ask you on the day you leave this place, Saami." The boy's eyes were filled as he prostrated and rose.

SwamigaL went melting. He urged the boy, "Come on, tell me, what is your wish." The boy said hesitatingly, "It is nothing else, Saami. My father has taught me a number of songs of Purandaradasa Saami and Thiyagarasa Saami. I should sing them before you Saami, till you stay here! You should listen to them and grace me!" AcharyaaL was immensely happy at the boy's wish.

"Purandara Kesavalu, definitely, you sing here. I shall listen to your songs. I shall ask everyone to listen to them. You come everyday in the afternoon at three o' clock. Sit down and sing before me. Let Chandramouleesvara Swami's grace be with you." SwamigaL blessed him. "You will rest in properity."

Purandara Kesavalu went happy. AcharyaaL persisted. "This is alright Purandara Kesavalu. Say what is your other wish, let's hear it."

"When you leave this place, I shall pray you with that wish, Saami", he replied with respect. SwamigaL asked SriKAryam to give him prasAdam and a lovely tulasi garland. Purandara Kesavalu was very happy to wear it. He prostrated to the sage and took leave. From the afternoon of the next day he started to come and sit down on the courtyard floor and sing the kIrtanas of Sri Purandaradasa and Sri Thiyagaraja known to him. SwamigaL listened to his singing, sitting in the hall. His voice was sweet. SwamigaL corrected the pronunciation mistakes the boy made in singing.

It was the twenty-first day of their stay. After completing Sri Chandramouleesvara puja and taking his bhikSA, SwamigaL started from that village. Coming out of the choultry, he gave a lecture of blessing to the people who had gathered to bid him farewell. Everyone was in tears listening to his parting words. Then he moved away with his entourage, but AcharyaaL suddenly remembered something and looked back at the choultry. Purandara Kesavalu was standing sobbing under the pandal there, his hands around a staff. 

SwamigaL asked the boy to be brought to him. He came running, prostrated on the ground and got up. The parabrahmam looked at him with affection, smiled and said, "Purandara Kesavalu! For the bhakti, shraddhA, jnAna you have, you should rest in prosperity. You spoke about your other wish on that day! What is that, my boy?"

Purandara Kesavalu said: "When I was tending the cows with my father, he used to tell me, Saami: 'What we should pray to God, you know? We should pray, 'God, I don't want maRu poravi (another birth); I should go to moccham (liberation); you shoud give me your grace (for that).' For that we should live with satyA and dharma. If you meet any mahaan in any of the times, you pray to them to get you moccham.' You should get me that moccham, Saami."

That parabrahmam was surprised to listen to such words from the mouth of a twelve year old boy. Then he said with a laugh as he blessed him, "Don't worry. At the apt time, Bhagavan will you give you the blessing of the attainment of that mokSa." AcharyaaL called the Zamindar of the village and told him, "Inform SriMaTham immediately about anything that concerns this Purandara Kesavalu", and left the village. Everyone came up to the boundary of the village to bid farewell to SwamigaL.

It was a day several years later, and the time was around two in the afternoon. AcharyaaL, who was conversing with devotees in Sri Kanchi MaTham, suddenly rose and came out of the MaTham and started walking briskly. People followed him. He halted at the Kamakshi Amman PurshkaraNi and took bath. Then he started chanting something with closed eyes, standing in the waters of the pond. An hour later, he did another bath and japam. In this way, he repeated the sequence for seven or eight times, until it was six in the evening. Before he climbed the steps of the bathing ghat and sat on a step, a person from the MaTham came running and stood before him. AcharyaaL looked at him inquisitively. He said, "A telegram from Kurnool. Says that Purandara Kesavalu is seriously ill. Don't know who is this person, Periyavaa."

SwamigaL told the people around him, "That Purandara Kesavalu is no more now! He had his kAlagati just a little while before. When I stayed in their village he asked me on the last day to get him mokSa. I told him that he would get it by the grace of Chandramouleesvara Swami. Suddenly he took ill with some terminal fever and was suffering (now), anxious about his mokSa. In the order of things, he should take another six births to attain mokSa. I did the japam and prayed for him that somehow he (will skip the remaining births and) attain mokSa. Purandara Kesavalu is a good Atma!" With these words, AcharyaaL started walking briskly back towards SriMaTham.

The people of the MaTham stood transfixed with amazement on the steps of the pond!

ENdAppa - (Tamil) an address meaning 'why, my boy!'
kaccha - the hem or end of a lower garment (tucked into the girdle or waistband)
kAryastA - in charge
maNDapa - open hall, pavilion, temple
nirmAlya - cast out or left from a garland, used
pandakkAl - (Tamil) a bamboo staff planted to mark the commencement of a ceremony
puSkaraNi - (Tamil) a sacred pond of a temple, a pond with lotus flowers
samRti - coming together, meeting, contact, conflict, war
shraddhA - hope, trust, eagerness in religious rites, strong wish

Courtesy :

Thanks due to  Mahaperiyava Bhaktas for the scanned  photos of Mahaperiyava 

Did Pillaiyar Open His Eyes, Or Not? -- Mahaperiyava

Did Pillaiyar Open His Eyes, Or Not?
Author: Sri Ramani Anna (in Tamil)
Source: Sakthi Vikatan issue dated Jan 03, 2007

Many years before, when Kanchi Maha Periyavar had undertaken a tour of the southern parts of Tamizhaham. After visiting Thanjavur, Trichy, Tiruvanaikkaval, Srirangam, Dindigul and Cholavandan, he was traveling towards Madurai with his entourage. The village folk residing on his path had his darshan and blessings, calling on him in large numbers, with their children. He blessed them all with a smiling face and walked, giving them fruits and suger lumps.

It was time to approach the great city of Madurai. The people of a village on the way welcomed him with the honour of pUrna kumbham. SwamigaL was singularly happy about the devotion and zeal of those villagers. He went and sat on the roots of a peepul tree on the roadside. All of them prostrated to him on the ground.

The panchayat head of that village prostrated to the sage with intense devotion. Then he said, "We pray for one thing to Periyavanga. We the poor people have come together and completed the construction of a new Pullaiyar temple nearby. We pray that Sami's feet should touch the temple precincts; should take mercy on us!"

AcharyaL got up enthusiastically and asked, "Where is this temple?"

The panchayat head replied, "Here, only at a calling distance. Should come and give your blessings!"

SwamigaL walked towards the Pillaiyar temple very briskly. He entered the temple with the honour of divine music and pUrna kumbham. Vinayaka was sitting inside the sanctum in the form of a six feet statue. The idol looked bright and mighty. Periyavaa looked at Vinayaka for sometime without taking his eyes off, and asked the panchayat head if the kumbhAbhiSekam of the temple was over.

"Not yet, Sami," said the headman.

SwamigaL asked, "Since everything has been completed, why was not the kumbhAbhiSekam done yet?"

The panchayat head replied politely: "Everything has been completed, Sami. Mahatama Gandhi is said to come this way within a month. Some notables of Madurai has promised us to conduct the kumbhAbhiSekam on the day he comes this side, in his presence. This is the reason: we are waiting for Gandhiji."

AcharyaL smiled to himself. He looked intensely at Vinayaka for two minutes and then said: "It seems to me that there is no necessity for that! Ganapathi is already staring with his eyes well open. Should not delay the kumbhAbhiSekam any longer. Fix an auspicious day and conduct it."

The panchayat head said, "No, Sami! The eye-opening ritual has not yet taken place to Vinayaka, Sami! We can't understand anything, if you are advising us this way..." He was confused.

SwamigaL smiled again and said, "I am not telling this myself! Ganapathi is staring, well and clearly, with his eyes open. Make arrangements for an early kumbhAbhiSekam! If Gandhi comes, let him have a good darshan!" The people around couldn't understand anything. They were waiting patiently.

The panchayat head could not get over his confusion. He sent word for the sthapati who sculptured the Vinayaka statue. The words of AcharyaL were apprised to him. The sculptor was also firm in his conviction: "No, Swami... The eyes are not yet opened for Vinayaka. Is it not that only I who carved the statue should also open its eyes? It is not yet done."

The sculptor fell at AcharyaL's feet three times and stood with his hands folded to his chest.

Looking again at the statue firmly, AcharyaL said, "The eyes of Maha Ganapathi have well been opened! He is staring happily. It is not good to delay further. Fix an auspicious day early and conduct the kumbhAbhiSekam. Prosperity will follow." With these words, AcharyaL started moving hurriedly from that place. The entourage followed. All the people went up to the village border and bade farewell to AcharyaL.

The village panchayat assembled within minutes after the incident. The words of AcharyaL were discussed in depth. The sculptor who was of a slightly advanced age told firmly:

"Because of his prevision everything would be intelligible Acharya SwamigaL. Still, I have not opened the eyes with my hand. Don't know how Sami says that. I went to the statue and checked thoroughly. It does not seem to have happened that way. What to do now?"

Silence prevailed there. No one opened his mouth. Suddenly a boy of apparently twelve years of age came running to the meeting. He folded his eyes on his chest and stood.

The headman asked him politely, "Thambi! why do you come running so hurriedly? What is the matter?"

The boy replied, "Thalaivare! I know something about the temple's Vinayaka statue. Shall I tell it here?"

The headman was interested: "What do you know, come on say it brother!" The crowd was looking keenly at the boy.

The boy started talking: "Ayya headman! I am telling the fact known to me with a promise that it is true. That Samiyar Sami's words that the eyes of Pullaiyar have been opened is only true! If you ask me how--it was the time of peak sunshine some ten days before. The grandfather who is sitting here, the man who carved the Pullaiyar statue--his grandson and I are friends. You know what he did? He suddenly took up the chisel and hammer that his grandfather had kept specially for opening statues' eyes, and brought us to the temple.

"Saying 'Hey, look! My grandfather would open statues' eyes only this way!', he worked on the eyes of Pulliayar, chanting, 'O Pullaiyar, open your eyes!' and making us chant those words. When he finished, all of us boys jumped and danced saying 'Yea, Pulliayar's eyes have been opened!" No one in this village knew of this matter. We too did not breath a word out anywhere! This is what happened, please pardon us!"

The crowd was sitting amazed. Tears issued from the eyes of the panchayat head. The village wondered about the greatness of AcharyaL. The sculptor's grandson was hardly eight years old. The panchayat brought him to the assembly and made inquiries. He admitted to having opened the eyes of Vinayaka. All of them ran to the temple and prostrated to Vinayaka. The sculptor examined Ganapathi's eyes well with the help of a lens.

Everyone wondered at the very beautiful manner in which netronmeelan (opening of eyes) had been done.

The whole village ran in the direction AcharyaL had left. SwamigaL was relaxing in the shadow of a big banyan tree on the roadside of the next village, with his entourage.

All of them ran to him and fell at his feet. The panchayat head and sculptor started sobbing.

That parabrahmam looked at these people and asked smilingly: "Now that you have verified and known that the eyes of Pullaiyar are open, go and complete the kumbhAbhiSekam early. The whole region will have prosperity."

That walking God blessed them smilingly, with a raised hand.

Ayya - (Tamil) Sir
sthapatiH - sculptor, architect, charioteer, driver, carpenter
Tamizhaham - (Tamil) Tamilnadu
Thambi! - (Tamil) younger brother
Thalaivar - (Tamil) headman

Courtesy :

Thanks due to  Mahaperiyava Bhaktas for the scanned  photos of Mahaperiyava 

"Is sacrificial killing in Vedic Yajnas justified? Is it not a sin?" -- Mahaperiyava

Guru upadesha manjari: Kanchi Paramacharya
Sacrificial Killing in Vedic Yajnas
book:....... Maha PeriyavaL - Darisana AnubhavangaL vol. 4, pages 265-272
author:..... Thillainathan, Chennai
Publisher:.. Vanathi Padhippaham

Sri Kanchi MaaMunivar was camping in Mylapore Sanskrit College, Chennai, in the year 1957, along with his disciple Sri Jayendra Sarawathi SwamigaL. A Vegetarian Conference held at that time in the Adyar Theosophical Society was attended by representatives from all over the world. Resolutions were passed in the conference to the effect that it was a great sin to harm the animals for whatever reason; so flesh eating should be avoided and only vegetarian food should be taken. They had also devised ways to popularise the message of ahimsa and vegetarianism among the general public.

When the conference was over, its president and the chairman of the Theosophical Society Sri Sankara Menan brought a group of people from the western countries for darshan and blessings of Sri Kanchi Acharya MahaSwamigaL, after taking his prior permission. The delegates were keen on meeting the sage.

Their president (Sri Menan) introduced everyone to SwamigaL, telling him the name and country. After this introduction, when he started telling them about the sage, SwamigaL interrupted him and said, "You need not tell much about me. The extent they know about me is enough."

Some of the delegates wanted to ask questions to Swamiji. When he said yes, the very first question that came was "Is sacrificial killing in Vedic Yajnas justified? Is it not a sin?"

SwamigaL said, "Yes, it can be done, it is not a sin!"

At this reply, they all suddenly laughed. Menan was angry that they had insulted the sage. He told them, "I brought you to this sage to seek his blessings. Had I known you would behave with such indecency, I would not have ventured at this task."

SwamigaL pacified Menan. "Don't be angy with them! They have come with a premeditated resolution. They have concluded that jIva himsa is a sin and it should not be done for any reason. Since my reply was contrary to their conclusion, they had this laugh. They never had any thought of insulting me. We should reply to them in the proper manner."

As Menan's anger subsided, SwamigaL continued: "A rowdy kills a man. A law court inquires the incident and a judge gives him a sentence of death. The rowdy committed the sin of killing, say in a fit of passion, with no idea of sin and spiritual rewards. Then isn't it a jIva himsa to give him a death sentence? Do we blame the judge for this action?"

These words from SwamigaL sent them into thinking. After all, they were learned people. Sensing some interesting exposition of truths, they waited eagerly for the next words from Swamiji.

SwamigaL continued: "In a junction of four roads, an ambulance comes first. Since the vehicle is for saving a life, we stop all other vehicles and permit it to pass first. On another occasion, an ambulance and a fire engine come on the road. We let the fire engine pass at the cost of saving one life, because the fire engine is rushing to save many lives. On a third occasion, a fire engine and a military van in an emergency come up. What do we do now? We let the military van go first since the life of a country assumes more importance than the lives of a few people. At such a time, we don't think of voluntarily sacrificing the lives of a few people in the city for the sake of the country.

"A king is conducting a battle to save his country. He kills thousands of people in the battle. If a man who kills another gets a death sentence, how large a sentence should the king be given? But then we garland him for his victory. In all such cases, we justify and accept jIva himsa. We develop our own rules and regulations to guide us in such matters. In the same way, we don't consider the sacrificial killing as sin. The Vedas say that if they are done for the welfare of the world, they are admissible and won't be construed as sin.

"Veda is beginningless. It is like the air that Bhagavan breathes. So both Vedas and the Bhagavan are both eternal. shastraya ca sukhaya ca. Vedas and shastra teach only good things. Bhagavan Sri Krishna also says the same thing in his Bhagavat Gita:

"'devAn bhAvayatAnena te devA bhAvayantu vaH |
parasparaM bhAvayantaH shreyaH param avapsyatha ||'

"If we do the yajnas and satisfy the devas they give us rains and good life. So the killing done in sacrifices won't be construed as sin.

"Not only that. Hindu religion also teaches that to do yajna is himsa, so it should not be done. But then we should look at who are those people who should not do yajnas.

"An incident in Bhagavatam written by Vyasa Bhagavan. There was a king named PrAcIna Barhis. He had great faith in spiritual rites and disciplines. So he conducted yajnas frequently for the welfare of the world. Later, he was enlightened with tatva jnAnA. In that state of sannyAsA he was barred from conducting any yajna. Still he conducted them, due to his customary acquaintance with them. To imbibe him bhuddhi, Narada Maharshi appeared in person and created a mayavic scene. He told the king, 'You are doing the sacrifices even in your state of renouncement! Look at the sky.' The king saw a herd of sheep wearing golden caps on their horns charging towards him. At this sight, the king realized his mistake and decided to stop anymore yajnas as jIva himsa since he had renounced the world.

"The tapas-begotten son of Tamilnadu is Thayumanavar. He used to go the garden, pluck the flowers and do his pujas with them every morning. One day he saw that a number of flowers had fallen to the ground. He could not take them for puja as they all appeared in brahma svarUpam to him! So he thought whether it was proper to take an object of deity and drop it on another. And he started singing:

"'paNNen unakkAna pUsai Or uruvile (I shall not worship you in a form.)
pArkkinRa malar ellAm nIye irutti (You are in all the flowers that I see.)
pnimalar eDukka manam naNNale...' (So my mind does not wish to take them...)

"From that time, he gave up even prostrating to God. He says, 'If I prostrate to you from one direction, how can it amount to worshipping you who is also in the opposite direction? All that I would do would be half prostrations!'

"Therefore, 'what is himsa, what is ahimsa, who can do what and who should not do what'--only the Vedas that decidedly speak about such things are the Guide for us.

"Today everyone knows that even plants have life. A plant appears from a seed and spawns many seeds. This means that to eat the fruits that give seeds is also himsa. Even to eat vegetables and spinach are himsa. That is the reason ascetics don't take even vegetables. Shastras say vatambu-parnasana*, that is, the jnAnis would subsist on dry leaves, water and air.

"Therefore, what do you understand from all this? No one except the ascetics and rishis can observe total ahimsa. People can observe ahimsa only according to the rights sanctioned to them. Vedas say that the doing yajnas for the welfare of the world by householders will not amount to himsa. Only Vedas are the pramANam (standard) for us. Precepts that cannot be violated."

A delegate from London proudly told Swamiji about a book titled No End to the Truth that he had authored.

SwamigaL asked him, "What was the end you gave your book?" When the man hesitated he said, "The no end you have given is the end to it." Everyone laughed heartily.

*** *** ***

Note: *A verse from Sri Govinda Damodara Stotra by Sri Bilvamangala Thakura

pravala-sobha iva dirgha-kesa
vatambu-parnasana- p-u-t-a -dehah
mule tarunam munayah pathanti
govinda damodara madhaveti (25)

With long, matted hair the color of coral, and bodies purified by eating only leaves, water, and air, the sages sit beneath the trees and chant, “Govinda,” “Damodara,” and “Madhava.”

The entire Stotra is published at:

Courtesy :
Thanks for the scanned photos posted by Mahaperiyava  Bhaktas

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

”என்னைத் தெரியறதான்னு உங்க சம்சாரத்துக்கிட்டே கேளுங்க!” - மஹா பெரியவா

இழந்த கண் பார்வை மீண்டும் கிடைத்த அதிசயம்

காஞ்சி தெய்வம் அவளுக்குக் கருணை புரிந்தது. ‘நம்பினார் கெடுவதில்லை… இது நான்கு மறைத் தீர்ப்பு’ என்று சும்மாவா சொல்லி வைத்தார்கள்! காஞ்சி முனிவரின் சந்நிதானத்தில் அந்தப் பெண்மணிக்குப் பார்வை கிடைத்தது.

இழந்த கண் பார்வை மீண்டும் கிடைத்த அதிசயம்:

மஹா பெரியவாளுக்குக் கைங்கர்யம் செய்துவந்த மடத்தின் மூத்த ஊழியர்களில் ஒருவர் பாலு. மஹா பெரியவர் தேனம்பாக்கத்தில் தங்கியிருந்தபோது நடந்த சிலிர்ப்பான சில சம்பவங்களை அவர் நம்மிடம் பகிர்ந்துகொண்டார்.

”கேரளத்தில் இருந்து பெண்ணொருத்தி பெரியவாளைத் தரிசிக்க வந்தாள். அவள் கர்ப்பமாக இருந்தபோது, தரையில் தடுக்கி விழுந்ததில் தலையில் அடிபட்டு விட்டதாம். அதிலிருந்து அடிக்கடி ஃபிட்ஸ் மாதிரியான பாதிப்பால் அவஸ்தைப்பட்டு வந்தாள்.

அவளின் கண்பார்வையும் பறிபோனதாம். காலக்கிரமத்தில் குழந்தை பிறந்தது என்றாலும், அவளின் பார்வை திரும்பவில்லை.

இந்த நிலையில் அவர்களின் குடும்பத்துக்குப் பரிச்சயமான நண்பர் ஒருவர் பிரஸ்னம் பார்க்கச் சொன்னாராம். அவரே நம்பூதிரி ஒருவரையும் அழைத்து வந்திருக்கிறார்.
பெண்ணின் ஜாதகத்தை அலசி ஆராய்ந்த நம்பூதிரி, ”கவலைப்படாதீங்க, கண்பார்வை கிடைச்சுடும். ஆனால், நீங்க க்ஷேத்திராடனம் செய்யணும். குருவாயூரில் துவங்கி, கும்பகோணம், திருவிடைமருதூர்னு புண்ணிய ஸ்தலங்களுக்கெல்லாம் போயி வேண்டிக்கோங்க. முடிந்தால் அந்தத் தலங்களில் தீர்த்தமாடுறதும் விசேஷம்”னு சொல்லியிருக்கார்.

அதன்படியே க்ஷேத்திராடனம் கிளம்பிய அந்தப் பெண்மணி, வைத்தீஸ்வரன் கோயிலுக்கும் சென்றாளாம். அங்கே ஸ்வாமி சந்நிதியில், குருக்கள் தீபாராதனை முடிந்து தட்டை நீட்டியதும், ஆரத்தி எடுத்துக்கொண்டவள், தட்டில் நூறு ரூபாய் தக்ஷணை வைத்தாளாம்.

குருக்களுக்கு ஆச்சரியம். இவளுக்குப் பார்வை இல்லை என்பதைத் தெரிந்துகொண்டவர், ”அம்மா… இது பத்து ரூபாய் இல்ல; நூறு ரூபாய் நோட்டு” என்று சொல்லியிருக்கிறார்.
இவளும், ”பரவாயில்லை… எடுத்துக்கோங்க” என்றாளாம்.
உடனே அந்தக் குருக்கள், ”நீங்க பெரியவாளைப் பார்த்ததில்லையா?” என்று கேட்டாராம்.
அவர் யாரைச் சொல்கிறார் என்று இந்தப் பெண்மணிக்குத் தெரியவில்லை. குருக்களிடமே விசாரித்திருக்கிறாள்.
“காஞ்சிபுரத்தில் இருக்காரே, சங்கர மடத்தில்… அவரை தரிசனம் செய்யுங்கோ” என்று அறிவுறுத்தியிருக்கிறார் குருக்கள்.

இவளும் உடனே அங்கிருந்து புறப்பட்டு, சிதம்பரம் சென்றுவிட்டு, அப்படியே காஞ்சிபுரத்துக்கும் வந்தாளாம். அன்று, சென்னையில் ஒரு பிரமுகர் வீட்டில் உபநயனம். அவர்களுக்குப் பிரஸாதம் எல்லாம் அனுப்பிவிட்டு, மடத்தில் அமர்ந்திருந்தார் பெரியவா.

அந்த நேரம் அங்கே வந்த இந்தப் பெண்மணி, தான் கொண்டு வந்த பழங்களை அருகில் இருந்த நாற்காலியில் வைத்துவிட்டு, தனது நிலைமையை விவரித்தாள்.

வைத்தீஸ்வரன் கோயில் குருக்கள் சொன்னபடி, காஞ்சி முனிவரைத் தரிசிக்க வந்திருக்கும் விஷயத்தையும் கண்கலங்கச் சொன்னாள்.

உடனே அவளின் புருஷனைக் கூப்பிட்ட பெரியவா, ”என்னைத் தெரியறதான்னு உங்க சம்சாரத்துக்கிட்டே கேளுங்க!” என்றார். அத்துடன், அருகிலிருந்த டார்ச் லைட்டை எடுத்து, தன் முகத்தில் வெளிச்சம் அடித்துக் கொண்டார் மஹா பெரியவா.
அதே நேரம் அந்தப் பெண், ”குருக்கள் சொன்ன சந்நியாஸி இதோ தெரிகிறாரே!” என்றாளாம் சத்தமாக… பரவசம் பொங்க!
ஆமாம்… காஞ்சி தெய்வம் அவளுக்குக் கருணை புரிந்தது.

‘நம்பினார் கெடுவதில்லை… இது நான்கு மறைத் தீர்ப்பு’ என்று சும்மாவா சொல்லி வைத்தார்கள்! காஞ்சி முனிவரின் சந்நிதானத்தில் அந்தப் பெண்மணிக்குப் பார்வை கிடைத்தது.
அவளுக்கு கண்பார்வை மீண்டும் கிடைக்க பிராப்தம் இருந்தது. அதற்கும் மேலாக தெய்வத்தின் மீதும், வைத்தீஸ்வரன் கோயில் குருக்கள் சொன்ன பிறகு மஹாபெரியவா மீதும் அவள் வைத்திருந்த அதீத நம்பிக்கையும் வீண்போகவில்லை.
ஆனால் இது குறித்து மஹா பெரியவாளிடம் கேட்டபோது, அவர் என்ன சொன்னார் தெரியுமா?

‘என்கிட்ட எந்த சக்தியும் இல்லை. உன் பூர்வ ஜன்ம பலன், உன்னோட நம்பிக்கை, நான் தினம் தினம் தியானம் செய்யற அம்பாள் காமாக்ஷியோட கருணை… எல்லாம்தான் காரணம்!’ என்றார்.

Courtesy : Facebook post : Natarajan Parameswaran

Thanks to  Mahaperiyava bhaktas for the scanned photos posted 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

பெரியவா செய்த பேருதவி.

கலவையில் பிறந்த பேரொளி’ என்ற புத்தகத்தில் இருந்து சில நினைவுகள்.

Author: கவிஞர் நெமிலி எழில்மணி.

பெரியவர் செய்த பேருதவி.

நெமிலியிலே அருள்மிகும் தேவி அன்னை பாலாவின் சன்னிதியில் ஒரு வெள்ளிக்கிழமையன்று அற்புதம் ஒன்று நடந்தது.

ஆம் ! விழியற்றவருக்கு வழி காட்டினாள் அன்னை ! இதோ அந்தச் செய்தி.

“அன்னைக்கு பாலபிஷேகம் முடிந்தது. தேனபிஷேகம் நடைபெறும் சமயம். வேதங்கள் ஒலிக்கும் சன்னிதிக்கு விழியற்ற ஒருவர் வயதான தமது தந்தையாருடன் வந்தார். பெயர் எம்.எஸ்.ராமமூர்த்தி என்றும், பெரம்பூர் ஐ.ஸி.எஃப் கோச் ஃபாக்டரியில் பணி புரிவதாகவும் கூறினார். அவரை அழைத்துச் சென்று அன்னையிடம் அமர வைத்தோம். பஞ்சாமிர்தபிஷேகம், சந்தனாபிஷேகம், இளநீர் அபிஷேகம் என அன்னைக்கு ஒவ்வொரு அபிஷேகத்தையும் பக்தி ஸ்ரத்தையுடன் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தார்கள்.

ஒவ்வொரு அபிஷேக முடிவிலும் தீபாராதனை காட்டும்போது, “இருள் நீக்கும் திரிபுர சுந்தரியே—மருள் போக்கும் திரிபுர சுந்தரியே ! திருமணம் முடிக்கும் திரிபுர சுந்தரியே!” என்று அன்பர்கள் மனம் உருக கோஷித்தனர். அபிஷேகம் முடிந்து அலங்காரம் நடக்கும்போது விக்கி விக்கி அழுகின்ற குரல் கேட்டு அனைவரும் திகைத்தோம். யாரென்று பார்த்தால் அந்த விழியற்ற அன்பர் திரு ராமமூர்த்தி அவர்களிடம்தான் அந்த ஒலி எழும்பியது. பதறிப்போய் அவரை மெல்ல அழைத்து விவரம் கேட்டோம்.

“நான் பெரம்பூர் ஐ.ஸி.எஃப் கோச் ஃபாக்டரியில் வேலை பார்த்து வர்றதுக்குக் காரணம் பெரியவர் முன்னாள் நாடாளுமன்ற துணை சபாநாயகர் திரு. ஜி. லக்ஷ்மணன் அவர்கள்தான். அவர்களின் உதவியால்தான் இந்த விழியற்றவனுக்கு வேலை கிடைத்தது. இதுவரை எனது வயதான அம்மாதான் என்னையும் என் அப்பாவையும், பார்வையற்ற என் அண்ணாவையும் கவனித்துக் கொண்டாள். இரண்டு மாதங்களுக்கு முன்தான் எனது அம்மா காலமாகி விட்டார். நாங்கள் எப்படி வாழ்வது? அப்பாவுக்கோ வயதாகி விட்டது. திருமணத்தைப் பற்றி நான் நினைத்ததே கிடையாது. ஆனால் இப்போது என்ன செய்வதென்றே தெரியவில்லை. பார்வையற்ற என்னை யார் விரும்புவார்கள் ? இது என்ன சோதனை ! நினைக்க நினைக்க எனக்கு துக்கம் தாங்கவில்லை. கடந்த நூறு ஆண்டுகளாக அன்னை பாலா திரிபுர சுந்தரியை நீங்கள் வீட்டிலேயே பிரதிஷ்டை செய்து பூஜைகள் செய்து வருவதாகக் கேள்விப்பட்டேன். நடக்கமுடியாத திருமணங்களை அன்னை பாலா திரிபுரசுந்தரி நடத்திக் காட்டியதாக பலர் கூறவும் நாங்கள் இங்கே வந்துள்ளோம்.. “அம்மா! எங்களை ஆதரிக்க வேண்டும்” என்று கேட்க இங்கே வந்துள்ளோம்.

“பார்வையற்ற என்னைப் பார்த்துக்கொள்ளவும், பாசத்துடன் கவனித்துக் கொள்ளவும் ஒரு பெண்துணை வேண்டும் என்று கேட்பதற்காக வந்துள்ளேன். வயதான அப்பாவை வாஞ்சையுடன் பார்த்துக்கொள்ள எனக்கு ஒரு மனைவியைக் கொடு “ என்று பாலாவை வேண்டிக்கொள்ள வந்துள்ளேன். அம்மாவை இழந்த துக்கம் தாங்காமல்தான் அன்னையின் சன்னிதியில் கதறி அழுதுவிட்டேன்” என்றார்.

எங்களுக்குத் தூக்கிவாரிப் போட்டது. கடந்த பல ஆண்டுகளாகப் பூஜை செய்து வருவது வாஸ்தவந்தான். சொந்த வீடாயிருந்தாலும், குடும்ப பூஜை செய்து வந்தாலும், யார் வந்தாலும் அவர்களைப் பூஜைகள் பார்க்க அனுமதித்துத் தரிசனம் செய்து வைப்பது வழக்கம்தான். ஆனால் இப்படி “கண்ணற்ற எனக்குப் பெண்ணொன்று தருவாளா?” என்று கேட்டால் என்ன சொல்வது ? அனைவரும் அதிர்ந்து போனோம். அவரது நிலையைப் பார்த்தால் பரிதாபமாகத்தான் இருந்தது. இருந்தாலும் பார்வையற்றவரை யார்தான் மணப்பார்கள்? அம்பாளிடம் இப்படி ஒரு வேண்டுகோளைக் கேட்டு விட்டார்களே ?” என்று அதிர்ந்து போனோம். ஆனால் அடுத்த கணம் அங்கே ஓர் அற்புதம் நிகழ்ந்தது.

ஆம்! திமிரியைச் சேர்ந்த திரு. பாஸ்கர ஐயர் என்பவர் தம் பெண் லலிதாவுடன் அம்மனின் சன்னிதிக்கு வந்தார். அவர் தம் பெண்ணுக்கு மணம் முடிக்க ஏற்பாடு செய்து வரதட்சிணை அரக்கனால் அடிபட்டுத் தோற்றுப்போனவர்.

‘சவரன்’ என்ற பெயரைக் கேட்டதும் ‘சர்ப்பம்’ என்ற பெயரைக் கேட்டது போன்று சரிந்து விடுவார்.

புரோஹிதம் மூலம் குடும்பத்தை நடத்திக் கொண்டிருக்கும் அவருக்கும் ஆயிரங்களுக்கும் வெகு தூரம். வந்தவர் அங்கே வந்திருந்த ராமமூர்த்தியின் நிலை அறிந்தார். லலிதாவும் அவரைப் பார்த்தார். “கண்பார்வை இல்லாவிடினும் பரவாயில்லை. நான் இவரையே கல்யாணம் பண்ணிக் கொள்கிறேன்” என்று அந்தப் பெண் கூறவும் ஆச்சரியத்தால் பிரமித்தனர் அனைவரும். மனப்பூர்வமாக ஒத்துக்கொண்ட அந்தப்பெண்ணை அனைவரும் பாராட்டினர்.

“அன்னையே ! என்னே உன் கருணை ! என்னே உன் திருவிளையாடல் ! நடக்க முடியாதது என்று நாங்கள் நினைத்ததை ஒரு நொடிக்குள் நடத்திக் காட்டிவிட்டாயே! முடியாதது என்று நாங்கள் நினைத்ததை ஒரு கணத்தில் முடிக்க வைத்து முறுவல் செய்கிறாயே !

அவரை வரவழைத்ததும் நீயே !

அவளை வரவழைத்ததும் நீயே !

திருமணம் முடிக்கும் திரிபுரசுந்தரி என்பது பொய்யாகுமா ? 

தீபாராதனை முடிந்ததும் எல்லோரும் ஒன்றுகூடிப் பேசி நிச்சியதார்த்தம் வைக்க முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டது.

காஞ்சிப் பெரியவாளிடம் சென்று ஆசி பெறுவதற்காக திமிரி பாஸ்கர ஐயரும் அவரது துணைவியார் லட்சுமியும், மகள் லலிதாவும் சென்றனர். காரணம் திரிபுரசுந்தரியின் சன்னிதியைப் பார்க்கும்போது அவருக்குக் காஞ்சிப் பெரியவாளின் கருணை முகம்தான் நினைவுக்கு வரும்.

ஆம்! தற்போது பாலா திரிபுரசுந்தரி பூஜை செய்பவர்களின் முன்னோர்களான நெமிலி ஹெட்மாஸ்டர் டி.கே.ஜானகிராம ஐயர் அவர்களும் மற்றவர்களும் காஞ்சிப் பெரியவாளை நெமிலிக்கு வரவழைத்து அன்னை பாலா திரிபுரசுந்தரியின் சன்னிதியில் பாத பூஜை செய்ததை அறிந்தவர் அவர்,

அபிராமி அருட்செல்வம்----காமாட்சித்தாய் மடியில் சீரட்சி புரிந்து வரும் காமகோடித் திருவிளக்கு----கலவையில் பிறந்த கருணைப் பேரொளி அன்று ராஜரிஷியாக தமது சமஸ்தான பரிவாரங்கள் புடைசூழ வந்தமையும், பாரதம் முழுதும் பதித்த பாதங்களை வருடி பாதபூஜை செய்த நிகழ்ச்சியும் அவருக்கு நினைவுக்கு வந்தது. அது மட்டுமா ! ஒவ்வொரு நவராத்திரியின்போதும் பெரியவாளுக்கு நமஸ்காரம் செய்துவிட்டு அன்னை பாலா திரிபுரசுந்தரியின் நவராத்திரி பூஜைப் பத்திரிகையை பெரியவாள் திருக்கரங்களில் சமர்ப்பிக்கும் செய்கையும் அறிந்தவராதலால், அன்னையின் சன்னிதியில் நடைபெற்ற இந்த அற்புதத்தைப் பெரியவாளிடம் கூறி அவரது ஆசியைப் பெறவேண்டும் என்று முடிவு செய்து விட்டார். அதனால்தான் காஞ்சிக்குப் பயணமானார்கள்.

பெரியவர் சன்னிதியிலே திமிரி பாஸ்கர ஐயர் சென்றதும் நமஸ்காரம் செய்துவிட்டு தாம் திமிரியிலிருந்து வருவதாகத் தெரிவித்தார்.

முதல் விசாரிப்பு, திமிரியில் இருந்த ஹெட்மாஸ்டர் குப்புசாமி ஐயரைப் பற்றியதுதான்.

அதிர்ந்து போனார் பாஸ்கர ஐயர். எத்தனை வருடங்களுக்கு முன்னே திமிரிக்கு வந்தாரோ தெரியவில்லையே ! பத்து வருடங்களுக்கு முன் அமரராகிவிட்ட அந்த ஹெட்மாஸ்டரைப் பற்றி ஞாபகமாகக் கேட்கிறாரே !.

அடுத்த கேள்வி, “திமிரியிலிருந்து இங்கே வந்து, மடத்திலே கோலாட்டம் போட்டாளே ஒரு சின்னப்பெண் ! சுகுணா! அவ எப்படி இருக்கா?”

பாஸ்கர ஐயருக்கு உடம்பு முழுவதும் ஷாக் அடித்தது போன்று ஆயிற்று. ஆம் ! திமிரியிலிருந்து பள்ளிப் பெண்களோடு வந்து மடத்தில் கோலாட்டம் நடத்திய சுகுணா அவரது மூத்த பெண்ணல்லவா! சுமார் முப்பது வருடங்களுக்கு முன்னே நடந்த நிகழ்ச்சியை எத்தனை ஞாபக சக்தியுடன் கூறி பிரமிப்பில் ஆழ்த்துகிறார் !

‘தான் வந்ததோ தனது இளைய மகள் திருமண விஷயமாக! விசாரிப்போ தனது மூத்த மகளைப் பற்றி !’ எப்படி இருக்கும் அவருக்கு !

“என் மூத்த மகள்தான்” என்று கூறியவர், “அவ மெட்ராஸ்லே இருக்கா” என்று பரபரப்புடன் முடிக்கிறார். வார்த்தைகள் குழறுகின்றன, பெரியவரோ வாத்ஸல்யத்துடன் பார்க்கிறார்.

உடனே தான் வந்த செய்தியினை மெல்ல விவரிக்கிறார்.

புளகாங்கிதமடைகிறார் பெரியவாள்.

“அப்படியா விஷயம் ! இவரோட பெண் கல்யாணத்துக்கு யார் உதவி பண்ணப்போறா?: என்று வந்திருந்தவர்களைப் பார்த்து வினவினார். ஒருவர் 50 ரூபாய் தந்தார் மற்றொருவர் 51 ரூபாய் தந்தார். இன்னுமொருவர் 11 ரூபாய் தந்தார். அதனை அன்போடு எடுத்துக்கொள்ளச் சொன்னார் பெரியவர்.

ஆனந்தம் மேலிட அதனை எடுத்துக்கொண்டார் பாஸ்கர ஐயர்.

திடீரென்று ஒரு விசாரிப்பு.

“வக்கீல் ஓரிக்கை கண்ணாட்டியைத் தெரியுமா?” 

மெய் சிலிர்த்தது பாஸ்கர ஐயருக்கு. தெரியுமாவது ! அவருக்கு கண்ணாட்டி என்பவர் உறவு அல்லவா! இது என்ன திருவிளையாடல் ! உனது ஜாதகமே தெரியும் என்கிறாரே பெரியவர் !

“அவர் எனக்கு உறவு” என்றதும் புன்னகை பூக்கிறார் பரமாச்சாரியாள். 

“கல்யாணம்னா லேசா? எவ்வளவோ பணம் தேவைப்படுமே ! இதுவெல்லாம் போறாதே !” என்று கூறிய பெரியவாளின் முகத்திலே ஒரு கேள்விக்குறி.

சரியாக ஒரு மாதத்திற்குள் அந்தக் கேள்விக்குறி பாஸ்கர ஐயரின் முகத்திலே ஆச்சரியக் குறியாக மாறியது.

பெரியவாளின் உத்தரவுக்கிணங்க, அடையாறு டாக்டர் கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி அவர்கள் கணிசமாக உதவி செய்ய வள்ளிமலை முருகன் சன்னிதியில் லலிதாவிற்கும் ராமமூர்த்திக்கும் மிகச் சிறப்பாகத் திருமணம் நடந்தது.

திருமணத்தை நாடாளுமன்ற முன்னாள் உதவி சபாநாயகர் திரு.லக்ஷ்மணன் வந்திருந்து அன்புடன் நடத்திக் கொடுத்தார்.
பாரதப் பிரதமர் காரியாலத்திலிருந்து “உடல் ஊனமுற்றவராயிருந்த போதும் லலிதாவை மணந்துகொண்டு மற்றொரு முக்கியமான படியைத் தாண்டியுள்ளார்!" என்று வாழ்த்திக் கடிதம் வந்தது.

ஆச்சார்யாளின் குருவருளும், அம்பாளின் திருவருளும் சேர்ந்து அந்தக் கல்யாணம் ஜாம் ஜாமென்று நடைபெற்றது. பெரியவாளின் பேருதவியை எண்ணி எண்ணி அத்தனை பேரும் நன்றியால் விழிநீரை உகுத்தனர்!

“தவக்கோலம் தமக்காக—தர்மங்கள் நமக்காக” என்று சீரிய வாழ்வு வாழ்ந்து வரும் அந்தப் பரமாச்சார்யாளைப் போற்றிப் புகழ்ந்திட வார்த்தைகளும் உண்டோ ?

இருப்பினும் இந்த ஏழைக் கவிஞனின் இதயத்து வரிகள் அடுத்த பக்கங்களில் பாடல்களாக உருவாகி உள்ளன. படித்து அந்தப் பரமாச்சார்யாளின் பாத கமலங்களைப் பணியுங்கள் !

அல்லவை நீங்கும் !
நல்லவை ஓங்கும் !

Courtesy :   Facebook post  :  Varagooran Narayanan
Thanks to Mahaperiyava bhaktas for the scanned photos.